1 Timothy

Chapter 5

1 Rebuke1969 not3361 an elder,4245 but235 entreat3870 him as5613 a father;3962 and the younger men3501 as5613 brethren;80

2 The elder women4245 as5613 mothers;3384 the younger3501 as5613 sisters,79 with1722 all3956 purity.47

3 Honor5091 widows5503 that are widows5503 indeed.3689

4 But1161 if1487 any5100 widow5503 have2192 children5043 or2228 nephews,1549 let them learn3129 first4412 to show piety2151 at2398 home,3624 and2532 to requite591 287 their parents:4269 for1063 that5124 is2076 good2570 and2532 acceptable587 before1799 God.2316

5 Now1161 she that is a widow5503 indeed,3689 and2532 desolate,3443 trusteth1679 in1909 God,2316 and2532 continueth4357 in supplications1162 and2532 prayers4335 night3571 and2532 day.2250

6 But1161 she that liveth in pleasure4684 is dead2348 while she liveth.2198

7 And2532 these things5023 give in charge,3853 that2443 they may be5600 blameless.423

8 But1161 if1487 any5100 provide not for4306 3756 his own,2398 and2532 especially3122 for those of his own house,3609 he hath denied720 the3588 faith,4102 and2532 is2076 worse5501 than an infidel.571

9 Let not3361 a widow5503 be taken into the number2639 under1640 threescore1835 years2094 old, having been1096 the wife1135 of one1520 man,435

10 Well reported of3140 for1722 good2570 works;2041 if1487 she have brought up children,5044 if1487 she have lodged strangers,3580 if1487 she have washed3538 the saints'40 feet,4228 if1487 she have relieved1884 the afflicted,2346 if1487 she have diligently followed1872 every3956 good18 work.2041

11 But1161 the younger3501 widows5503 refuse:3868 for1063 when3752 they have begun to wax wanton against2691 Christ,5547 they will2309 marry;1060

12 Having2192 damnation,2917 because3754 they have cast off114 their first4413 faith.4102

13 And1161 withal260 they learn3129 to be idle,692 wandering about from house to house;4022 3614 and1161 not3756 only3440 idle,692 but235 tattlers5397 also2532 and2532 busybodies,4021 speaking2980 things which they ought1163 not.3361

14 I will1014 therefore3767 that the younger women3501 marry,1060 bear children,5041 guide the house,3616 give1325 none3367 occasion874 to the3588 adversary480 to speak reproachfully.5484 3059

15 For1063 some5100 are already2235 turned aside1624 after3694 Satan.4567

16 If any1536 man4103 or2228 woman that believeth4103 have2192 widows,5503 let them relieve1884 them,846 and2532 let not3361 the3588 church1577 be charged;916 that2443 it may relieve1884 them that are widows5503 indeed.3689

17 Let the3588 elders4245 that rule4291 well2573 be counted worthy515 of double1362 honor,5092 especially3122 they who labor2872 in1722 the word3056 and2532 doctrine.1319

18 For1063 the3588 Scripture1124 saith,3004 Thou shalt not3756 muzzle5392 the ox1016 that treadeth out248 the corn. And,2532 The3588 laborer2040 is worthy514 of his848 reward.3408

19 Against2596 an elder4245 receive3858 not3361 an accusation,2724 but1622 1508 before1909 two1417 or2228 three5140 witnesses.3144

20 Them that sin264 rebuke1651 before1799 all,3956 that2443 others3062 also2532 may fear.2192 5401

21 I charge1263 thee before1799 God,2316 and2532 the Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 and2532 the3588 elect1588 angels,32 that2443 thou observe5442 these things5023 without5565 preferring one before another,4299 doing4160 nothing3367 by2596 partiality.4346

22 Lay2007 hands5495 suddenly5030 on no man,3367 neither3366 be partaker2841 of other men's245 sins:266 keep5083 thyself4572 pure.53

23 Drink no longer water,5202 3371 but235 use5530 a little3641 wine3631 for thy stomach's sake1223 4675 4751 and2532 thine4675 often4437 infirmities.769

24 Some5100 men's444 sins266 are1526 open beforehand,4271 going before4254 to1519 judgment;2920 and1161 some5100 men they2532 follow after.1872

25 Likewise5615 also2532 the3588 good2570 works2041 of some are2076 manifest beforehand;4271 and2532 they that are2192 otherwise247 cannot1410 3756 be hid.2928



1 不可嚴責老年人,只要勸他如同父親;勸少年人如同弟兄;

2 勸老年婦女如同母親;勸少年婦女如同姊妹;總要純純潔潔[purity]的。

3 要尊敬那真為寡婦的。

4 若寡婦有兒女,或有孫子孫女,便叫他們先在自己家中學著行孝,報答親恩,因為這在神面前是善的[good],是可悅納的。

5 那獨居無靠、真為寡婦的,是仰賴神,晝夜不住的祈求禱告。

6 但那活在宴樂中[liveth in pleasure]的寡婦正活著的時候也是死的。

7 這些事你要囑咐她們,叫她們無可指摘[blameless]

8 人若不看顧親屬,就是背了信仰[faith],比不信的人還不好,不看顧自己家裏的人,更是如此。

9 寡婦記在冊子上,必須年紀到六十歲,從來只作一個丈夫的妻子,

10 又有行善的名聲,就如養育兒女,接待遠人,洗聖徒的腳,救濟遭難的人,竭力行各樣善[work]

11 至於年輕的寡婦,就可以辭她;因為她們的情慾發動,違背基督的時候就想要嫁人。

12 她們被咒詛[damnation],是因丟棄[cast off]起初所存的信[first faith]

13 並且她們又習慣懶惰,挨家閒遊;不但是懶惰,又說長道短,好管閒事,說些不當說的話。

14 所以我願意年輕的婦女[women]嫁人,生養兒女,持家有道[guide the house],不給敵人辱罵的把柄。

15 因為已經有轉去隨從撒但的。

16 信主的男人[any man]或婦女,若家中有寡婦,他們[them]就當救濟她們,不可累著教會,好使教會能救濟那真無倚靠的寡婦。

17 那善於管理教會的長老,當以為配受雙倍[double]的敬奉;那勞苦傳道教導人的,更當如此。

18 因為聖經[scripture]上說:「牛在場上踹穀的時候,你不可[Thou shalt not]籠住牠的嘴。」又說:「工人得工價是應當的。」

19 控告長老的指控[accusation],非有兩三個見證就不要收。

20 犯罪的人,當在眾人面前責備他,叫其餘的人也可以懼怕。

21 我在神和主耶穌基督[Lord Jesus Christ]並蒙揀選的天使面前囑咐你,要遵守這些話,不可存成見,行事也不可有偏心。

22 給人行按手的禮,不可急促;不要在別人的罪上有分,要保守自己純潔[pure]

23 因你胃口不清,屢次患病,再不要照常喝水,可以稍微用點酒。

24 有些人的罪是明顯的,如同先到審判案前;有些人的罪是隨後跟了去的。

25 這樣,善行也有明顯的,那不明顯的也不能隱藏。

1 Timothy

Chapter 5



1 Rebuke1969 not3361 an elder,4245 but235 entreat3870 him as5613 a father;3962 and the younger men3501 as5613 brethren;80

1 不可嚴責老年人,只要勸他如同父親;勸少年人如同弟兄;

2 The elder women4245 as5613 mothers;3384 the younger3501 as5613 sisters,79 with1722 all3956 purity.47

2 勸老年婦女如同母親;勸少年婦女如同姊妹;總要純純潔潔[purity]的。

3 Honor5091 widows5503 that are widows5503 indeed.3689

3 要尊敬那真為寡婦的。

4 But1161 if1487 any5100 widow5503 have2192 children5043 or2228 nephews,1549 let them learn3129 first4412 to show piety2151 at2398 home,3624 and2532 to requite591 287 their parents:4269 for1063 that5124 is2076 good2570 and2532 acceptable587 before1799 God.2316

4 若寡婦有兒女,或有孫子孫女,便叫他們先在自己家中學著行孝,報答親恩,因為這在神面前是善的[good],是可悅納的。

5 Now1161 she that is a widow5503 indeed,3689 and2532 desolate,3443 trusteth1679 in1909 God,2316 and2532 continueth4357 in supplications1162 and2532 prayers4335 night3571 and2532 day.2250

5 那獨居無靠、真為寡婦的,是仰賴神,晝夜不住的祈求禱告。

6 But1161 she that liveth in pleasure4684 is dead2348 while she liveth.2198

6 但那活在宴樂中[liveth in pleasure]的寡婦正活著的時候也是死的。

7 And2532 these things5023 give in charge,3853 that2443 they may be5600 blameless.423

7 這些事你要囑咐她們,叫她們無可指摘[blameless]

8 But1161 if1487 any5100 provide not for4306 3756 his own,2398 and2532 especially3122 for those of his own house,3609 he hath denied720 the3588 faith,4102 and2532 is2076 worse5501 than an infidel.571

8 人若不看顧親屬,就是背了信仰[faith],比不信的人還不好,不看顧自己家裏的人,更是如此。

9 Let not3361 a widow5503 be taken into the number2639 under1640 threescore1835 years2094 old, having been1096 the wife1135 of one1520 man,435

9 寡婦記在冊子上,必須年紀到六十歲,從來只作一個丈夫的妻子,

10 Well reported of3140 for1722 good2570 works;2041 if1487 she have brought up children,5044 if1487 she have lodged strangers,3580 if1487 she have washed3538 the saints'40 feet,4228 if1487 she have relieved1884 the afflicted,2346 if1487 she have diligently followed1872 every3956 good18 work.2041

10 又有行善的名聲,就如養育兒女,接待遠人,洗聖徒的腳,救濟遭難的人,竭力行各樣善[work]

11 But1161 the younger3501 widows5503 refuse:3868 for1063 when3752 they have begun to wax wanton against2691 Christ,5547 they will2309 marry;1060

11 至於年輕的寡婦,就可以辭她;因為她們的情慾發動,違背基督的時候就想要嫁人。

12 Having2192 damnation,2917 because3754 they have cast off114 their first4413 faith.4102

12 她們被咒詛[damnation],是因丟棄[cast off]起初所存的信[first faith]

13 And1161 withal260 they learn3129 to be idle,692 wandering about from house to house;4022 3614 and1161 not3756 only3440 idle,692 but235 tattlers5397 also2532 and2532 busybodies,4021 speaking2980 things which they ought1163 not.3361

13 並且她們又習慣懶惰,挨家閒遊;不但是懶惰,又說長道短,好管閒事,說些不當說的話。

14 I will1014 therefore3767 that the younger women3501 marry,1060 bear children,5041 guide the house,3616 give1325 none3367 occasion874 to the3588 adversary480 to speak reproachfully.5484 3059

14 所以我願意年輕的婦女[women]嫁人,生養兒女,持家有道[guide the house],不給敵人辱罵的把柄。

15 For1063 some5100 are already2235 turned aside1624 after3694 Satan.4567

15 因為已經有轉去隨從撒但的。

16 If any1536 man4103 or2228 woman that believeth4103 have2192 widows,5503 let them relieve1884 them,846 and2532 let not3361 the3588 church1577 be charged;916 that2443 it may relieve1884 them that are widows5503 indeed.3689

16 信主的男人[any man]或婦女,若家中有寡婦,他們[them]就當救濟她們,不可累著教會,好使教會能救濟那真無倚靠的寡婦。

17 Let the3588 elders4245 that rule4291 well2573 be counted worthy515 of double1362 honor,5092 especially3122 they who labor2872 in1722 the word3056 and2532 doctrine.1319

17 那善於管理教會的長老,當以為配受雙倍[double]的敬奉;那勞苦傳道教導人的,更當如此。

18 For1063 the3588 Scripture1124 saith,3004 Thou shalt not3756 muzzle5392 the ox1016 that treadeth out248 the corn. And,2532 The3588 laborer2040 is worthy514 of his848 reward.3408

18 因為聖經[scripture]上說:「牛在場上踹穀的時候,你不可[Thou shalt not]籠住牠的嘴。」又說:「工人得工價是應當的。」

19 Against2596 an elder4245 receive3858 not3361 an accusation,2724 but1622 1508 before1909 two1417 or2228 three5140 witnesses.3144

19 控告長老的指控[accusation],非有兩三個見證就不要收。

20 Them that sin264 rebuke1651 before1799 all,3956 that2443 others3062 also2532 may fear.2192 5401

20 犯罪的人,當在眾人面前責備他,叫其餘的人也可以懼怕。

21 I charge1263 thee before1799 God,2316 and2532 the Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 and2532 the3588 elect1588 angels,32 that2443 thou observe5442 these things5023 without5565 preferring one before another,4299 doing4160 nothing3367 by2596 partiality.4346

21 我在神和主耶穌基督[Lord Jesus Christ]並蒙揀選的天使面前囑咐你,要遵守這些話,不可存成見,行事也不可有偏心。

22 Lay2007 hands5495 suddenly5030 on no man,3367 neither3366 be partaker2841 of other men's245 sins:266 keep5083 thyself4572 pure.53

22 給人行按手的禮,不可急促;不要在別人的罪上有分,要保守自己純潔[pure]

23 Drink no longer water,5202 3371 but235 use5530 a little3641 wine3631 for thy stomach's sake1223 4675 4751 and2532 thine4675 often4437 infirmities.769

23 因你胃口不清,屢次患病,再不要照常喝水,可以稍微用點酒。

24 Some5100 men's444 sins266 are1526 open beforehand,4271 going before4254 to1519 judgment;2920 and1161 some5100 men they2532 follow after.1872

24 有些人的罪是明顯的,如同先到審判案前;有些人的罪是隨後跟了去的。

25 Likewise5615 also2532 the3588 good2570 works2041 of some are2076 manifest beforehand;4271 and2532 they that are2192 otherwise247 cannot1410 3756 be hid.2928

25 這樣,善行也有明顯的,那不明顯的也不能隱藏。